“I’m sure somewhere there are parents who relish the college admissions process, however, I wasn’t one of them!   Amy brought ‘ease’ to my life.  Our daughter loved talking to and working with Amy.  She trusted and respected her.  Amy’s sense of humor, her rapport with teenagers and her admissions expertise were invaluable.

I found Amy to always be available and willing to explore any questions we had. Perhaps most of all, I appreciated Amy’s ability in helping us all (our daughter, her father and me) gracefully discover and discern what would truly be best for our daughter when we weren’t clear or when the three of us disagreed.

Having our daughter work with Amy took the stress out of the admissions process and made the holiday season a joy because the admissions applications were not only completed, they were completed ahead of time.

Our daughter loves the school she chose to go to and is doing very well academically and socially.”